The United States of America has banned the entry of Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, with her nuclear family, into the country, as part of her involvement in “great corruption”.
According to a statement issued by the US State Department, which comes following the imposition of sanctions on two Angolan generals, on Thursday, businesswoman Isabel dos Santos was prevented from traveling to the United States, without announcing any economic or judicial sanctions against the daughter of the former Angolan president.
“The United States nominates the following individuals for their involvement in significant corruption,” as stated at the top of the list which includes, among others, the name of Isabel dos Santos, presented as “the former head of an Angolan public company,” in which reference is made to their “involvement in Great corruption by allocating public funds for their personal benefit.”
These appointments, described in the statement available on the State Department’s website, are “made under Section 7031(c)” and “under this authority, the Secretary of State will deny entry into the United States for foreign government officials involved in significant corruption and their immediate family members.”
The appointment of the former president of Sonangol comes on the same day that the United States also imposed sanctions, including freezing all assets, on former Angolan leaders Leopoldino Fragoso do Nascimento “Dino” and Manuel Helder Vieira Dias Jr. “Cobileba” in the country.
Leopoldino do Nascimento and Dias Júnior, better known as Generals ‘Dino’ and ‘Kopelipa’, respectively, “are two former government officials who have stolen billions of dollars from the Angolan government through embezzlement,” said the Portuguese-language statement distributed Thursday in Washington.
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