The university says Cambridge medical students are the first in the world to learn from holographic patients.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital students use a new hybrid reality training system called HoloScenarios, which allows teaching and learning with realistic holograms accessible from anywhere in the world.
The technology is developed by the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Foundation (CUH), the University of Cambridge and the Los Angeles-based technology company GigXR.
Medical students at Adenbrook Hospital in Cambridge use mixed reality holographic patients (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Foundation / GigXR / PA)
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The developers claim that it can provide more flexible and cost-effective training than traditional simulation, which requires more resources and cost to maintain laboratories and employ patients.
Using hybrid reality headsets, the developers claim that students can see each other but interact with a clinically accurate, multi-layered holographic patient.
Students will pick up several modules using the technology, the first of which focuses on respiratory conditions and emergencies.
It is a holographic patient with asthma followed by anaphylaxis, pulmonary embolism and pneumonia.
Other modules of cardiology and neurology are in development.
Through HoloScenarios, we help educate students around the world from the guidance-based model so that they have equal access to first-rate knowledge of primary discovery-based medical skills.
Dr. Arun Gupta, CUH
CUH consultant anesthesiologist Dr. Arun Gupta, who is leading the project, said: “Mixed reality is increasingly recognized as an effective method of simulator training.
“As companies measure purchases, the demand for sites that offer mixed realistic learning application and ease of management is rapidly expanding.
“ZigXR has already trained instructors better for monitoring and evaluation with clinically accurate simulation.
“Through HoloScenarios, we enable students around the world to have an access to education from an orientation-based model to equal access to advanced knowledge based on master discovery-based medical skills.”
Improving instructors with 360 degree preparation for medical training reflects milestone for GigXR
David King Lasman, KickXR
David King Lasman, Founder of GigXR, said: “Educating instructors with a 360 degree preparation for medical training represents a milestone in GigXR. .
“Our first HoloScenarios module represents an incredibly powerful new way of applying mixed reality for healthcare training, and many more modules and new applications will be offered soon.”
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