aAfter a meeting with the President of the Regional Government, at the Presidential Residence, in Ponta Delgada, Susana Mira Leal warned of “the importance of developing a joint strategy that deepens the training that UAc is already promoting in the field of health.” .
The Dean of the Academy stressed that the “joint strategy” with the Government of the Azores (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM) could “maximize the investments made by the University in “strengthening faculty and research” in the field of health.
“[Um acordo] “Which will enable us, together with the regional government, to soon develop a broader research structure in the health field of the type of clinical academic center, where the regional government, through the health structures of the region, can be a strategic partner.” .
Susana Mira Leal also advocated cooperation with the regional government in the field of tourism in order to “develop a strategy that deepens the opportunities that the region offers to tourists, and maximizes knowledge” about the archipelago.
The head of the regional government, José Manuel Bolero, today began a round of hearings with parties with parliamentary seats and social partners as part of the consultation process on the initial proposals for the 2024 regional plan and budget, which were rejected on 23 November. , 2023, with IL, PS and BE voting against and Chega and PAN abstaining, leading to the fall of the regional executive and the calling of early elections.
The new executive, the second led by José Manuel Bolero, took office on 4 March and saw its program of government approved on 15 March, with votes in favor from the parties forming the executive, abstentions from Chiga, the National Action Party, and the Illinois Party, and votes against from PS and BE.
Read also: UGT/Açores wants to modernize and expand the supplementary wage