Two other municipalities in the region are facing a dengue epidemic: Arapungas and Lunardelli. The data was included in the Bulletin of the Secretary of State for Health (Sesa) issued yesterday (12). In Arabungas, there are 602 confirmed cases, an increase of 239 diagnoses compared to the previous week’s bulletin (5).
With the new confirmations, the municipality’s index reached 474.69 cases per 100,000 residents. It is considered an epidemic when the ratio exceeds 300 cases / 100,000. The progress of dengue fever has increased in Aarabungas in recent weeks, and the city council was already so advanced that the municipality reached the pointer.
Arapungas is the second city in Abukarana’s 16th regional health district to experience an epidemic. With 298 confirmed cases, Marumbi was the first city to reach an epidemic rate. Of the 17 municipalities in the region, ten have already confirmed cases of the disease (see table).
In yesterday’s bulletin, an epidemic was also confirmed in Lunardelli, which belongs to the 22nd health district of Ivaipura. The municipality’s case increased from 12 confirmed cases last week to 22 cases in the current bulletin, reaching an indicator of 396.33 cases/100 thousand residents.
The two regions add up to 1,006 dengue cases, an increase of 61% in just one week. The progress of dengue fever in the state led the Secretary of State for Health, Cesar Neves, to hold a technical meeting yesterday to map and outline measures to combat the disease in Paraná.
In one week, Paraná confirmed 4,885 more cases, adding up to 16,560 confirmations – an increase of 41.81%, in 278 cities, plus 12,465 new notifications, for a total of 52,575 records in 360 municipalities. There are 19,051 cases under investigation.
Yesterday’s weekly bulletin also confirmed three new deaths, totaling five deaths due to the disease in this epidemic period. They were two men, one of whom was 86 years old, residing in the municipality of Matilandia, the other aged 74 and residing in Tapira; and a 32-year-old woman from Medianera. The previous two deaths occurred in the municipalities of Arapungas and Nova Esperanca.
“This sharp increase in the number of reported and confirmed cases indicates a state of an impending epidemic, which is why it is necessary to harmonize measures, especially with regard to state action in regions and therefore in municipalities,” the secretary explains. State of Health, Cesar Neves.
The proposal now focuses on a strategy that has proven effective in combating the disease during the 2019 epidemic. “We need to sensitize the municipalities to the Dengue care center in a reference unit to receive this patient. This would favor proper management of patients by physicians, and avoid behavior that could exacerbate the disease, the minister said.