The period known as DJ Magazino, tired and recovering from this difficult period, revealed that the results were not satisfactory. “The result of the course of chemotherapy was less than what my doctors wanted, but at least the disease receded a bit and gave me another balloon of oxygen for the next few weeks. Basically, it is the belief that some new treatment can emerge. I think! Indeed, as much as it may be an illusion, never taking away the hope of surviving, that’s why I don’t let my arms fall“Despite this hard struggle, Luis Costa maintains his positive thinking.”It will take some time for me to recover but I have not lost hope, in fact, as much as it may be an illusion, it does not take away my hope of survivalThat’s why I don’t lower my arms. During these weeks I received letters and one of them commented on its simplicity. “The Secretary of State for Health, Lacerda Sales, wrote to me with motivating intent and thanking me for the gesture of hope that I am passing on to the country, thank you for that gesture.”