The Lisbon Stock Exchange opened the session Thursday, down 1.65% to 5,018.99 points, in line with the outlook for the rest of Europe, on a day when Sonae and Corticeira Amorim discounted dividends to be paid to shareholders and in which EDP Renováveis reacts to the results presented this morning.
The dividend season has begun, with Sonae and Corticeira Amorim deducting the shareholder bonuses that will be paid starting May 17th. The company led by Cláudia Azevedo is one of the few companies on PSI-20 to increase dividends, which will be € 0.0485 per share.
Additionally, this is the eighth consecutive year that Sonae bonuses have increased, resulting in earnings showing a return of over 6%, and thus one of the highest on the exchange. Corticeira maintains its dividend at € 0.185 per share, despite lower earnings in 2020.
Sonae fell 7.81% to 75.5 cents a share, while Corticeira Amorim fell 1.92% to 10.20 euros a share.
EDP Renováveis shrinks 0.75% to € 17.31 a share after registering drop 39% net income year on year for the first quarter From this year to 38 million euros, compared to 62 million as of March last year.
Between January and March of this year, the company, led by Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, saw revenue shrink 8% to 448 million euros. EBITDA – EBITDA decreased 21% to 269 million EUR and EBITDA – EBIT decreased 35% to 126 million EUR.
Losses are also Galp Energia (-2.5%), on a day when oil prices are down by more than 1%, and BCP (-1.94%), which is retreating from its one-year highs reached yesterday.