With the aim of investing in research projects in the region Portuguese Society of Colorectal Medicine (SPCP) opens the door to apply for a research grant, Intended for all trainees and specialists in gastroenterology and general surgery, They must be partners or associated members of the SPCP. Requests can be submitted Until October 15 to the SPCP email address (spcoloprocto@gmail.com).
For each submitted project, a principal investigator must be identified who will be responsible for implementing and directing the project, i.e. adhering to the proposed objectives and the rules on which funding is awarded. The principal investigator must provide all required clarifications to SPCP management.
The jury responsible for awarding training grants consists of four members, two of whom specialize in gastroenterology and two in general surgery, who are appointed by the SPCP Council and are included in the Scientific Committee. Jury decisions are transmitted in writing to the SPCP administration, which in turn will be transmitted in writing to the investigator by the National Congress of the corresponding year. The decision will be announced during the National Colon and Proctology Congress that same year, in due course.
Responsible researchers must submit a final report for evaluation purposes and, in the case of projects lasting more than a year, annual reports. The reports consist of two parts, one relating to scientific activity, and the other relating to financial implementation.
In turn, the results must be presented in the form of an oral address at a plenary session of the National Congress in the year in which the work is completed.
You may refer to the scholarship award regulations here.
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