This Monday (8), Pernambuco confirmed 13 positive cases of monkeypox in the state. The State Department of Health’s (SES-PE) newsletter also states that the disease is caused by monkeypox virusShe currently has 33 suspected cases in Pernambuco. 47 suspects have been reported, one has been ostracized, 13 have been confirmed and 33 are still under investigation.
Of the total number of notifications, 13 patients received laboratory confirmation of the virus and involved people residing in municipalities Recife (8), Jaboatão dos Guararapes (2), Paulista (1), plus two cases from other states, Rio de Janeiro (1) and São Paulo (1). The age groups are: 20 to 29 (6), 30 to 39 (4) and 40 to 49 (3). They are all male. Of those, they are all in home isolation.
To date, there is no evidence that Pernambuco records the local transmission of monkeypox. In all confirmed cases, monitoring teams were able to identify Epidemiological association between patients and people with a travel history and/or who have moved out of statein places that confirmed original transmission of the disease.
The 33 cases under investigation are for people residing in municipalities Recife (11), Limoeiro (5), Pesqueira (3), Paulista (2), Abreu e Lima (2), Araçoiaba (1), Camaragibe (1), Gameleira (1), Ipojuca (1), Jaboatão dos Guararapes (1), Petrolina (1), Olinda (1), Timbaúba (1), Inajá (1), São Paulo (1). The age groups are: 0 to 5 (1), 10 to 19 (7), 20 to 29 (9), 30 to 39 (9), 40 to 49 (5) and 50 to 59 (2), with 26 males and 7 females. Municipal epidemiological surveillance teams monitor the reported cases.
The collected samples are sent to the Enterovirus Laboratory in Fiocruz/RJ, a reference for monkeypox diagnosis, and to the Central Laboratory of Public Health in Pernambuco (Lacen-PE).
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