It is possible and urgent to contribute to the National Health Service (SNS) projecting itself into the future. For the health and well-being of all residents, the country’s economy, social cohesion and democracy itself.
The network of explanatory factors for the current situation is complex, but some are critical. It is important in these areas to work with more determination. In recent years, enough diagnostics have been produced to understand the ‘whys of things’ and to consider desirable pathways. It must be analyzed and understood by policy makers and social leaders from all walks of life, at all levels – from central to local. And in essence, for the whole community. There are thousands of pages with contributions from hundreds of health professionals: more than 20 pages Spring Reports Portuguese Observatory of Health Systems; Reports of the debates promoted by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2013/2014 summed up in the abstract A future for health – we all have a role to play; Publications, since 2014, by the Health Foundation – National Health Service (FSNS); And many studies produced by research centers.
However, the scientific and technical dimensions are insufficient. It is necessary to activate the civil, social and political aspects. Each of them alone will not achieve any effective change in a system of this high complexity. However, the integral and convergent can make a difference.
in the last report Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – Health snapshot: Europe 2022 We found contradictory data. In some indicators, Portugal holds very favorable positions in the European Union as a whole. Examples are hospitalizations for heart failure (1st), diabetes (4th), and preventable deaths (10th), in 27 countries, or even satisfaction with information from your doctor (1st place) or with participation in decisions about their care and Treatment (2nd place). This, with per capita spending figures, at purchasing power parity, is well below the EU average. At the same time, it occupies unfavorable positions in other indicators. This panorama suggests a system without linking leadership, with islands of high efficiency and quality in a sea of lack of coordination, systemic fragmentation and relative mismanagement. Good examples are, after all, due to innovative but incomplete leadership and partial repairs. Therefore, there is an urgent and potential course to be taken.
Between 5 June and 14 August 2022, every Sunday, over the course of eleven weeks, FSNS and Diário de Notícias jointly produced a series of articles and interviews, Podcasts And video channels about the Theses to convert SNS. And on the basis of these theses, in Lisbon, in October, prof conspiracy consensus Among more than 20 civil and multi-professional organizations. The need to enhance community participation and mobilization of the transformational drive for which SNS needs are identified, in order to better respond to current health challenges, expectations, and needs. The project arose to implement Public states – SNS conversionto be launched in 2023.
Strategic vision and planning are needed to help hold, motivate and direct the health system. And at the same time, giving priority to investing in the most important points that allow achieving greater returns in health and well-being for all, without leaving anyone behind. People, patients, professionals and teams must be given the highest priority, with careful practical measures taken. The constitutional decision that the social networking system has a decentralized and participatory management must become a reality. The “architecture” of the health information system and governance must also be reconsidered, and almost non-existent clinical governance developed, within the scope of integrated governance with subsidiarity principles and practices. That is, decisions should be made when they have the most qualitative, local and/or general impact.
These are the guiding purposes of General cases – SNS conversion – A partnership of a wide range of civil, social and professional organisations, including all contributions and desires that wish to come together in this mobilization for the health of all and for the SNS. The first conference will take place in Porto, on February 11, in the main hall of the ICBAS Complex / Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto. Registration is open to anyone who wants to participate. .
The program is available at
Conferences are also planned for Évora, Coimbra and Setubal, followed by Lisbon and other cities.
A doctor. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Health Foundation – SNS