Due to the unexplained absence of medical appointments and health laboratory examinations, established by the Basic Health Units (UBS) and also by the CROSS system, the Municipal Health Administration (Sesau) in Presidente Prudente (SP) implements an internal procedure in order to make patients aware of the importance of being on time Or report an absence in advance.
One of the strategies that Sesau has adopted is to call in patients on the eve of the scheduled appointment.
According to data from Sesau, it can be confirmed that there is a large number of absentees from consultations in the medical specialties offered and scheduled in the municipal health network in Prudente, reaching more than 20% of appointments. Of the 98,854 scheduled appointments in 2021, there were 20,545 absenteeisms, which is 20.78% of no-shows. With regard to laboratory tests, 22,416 appointments were registered in the municipality’s network, while the service recorded 4,441 cases of absenteeism, meaning that 19.81% of patients did not adhere to the appointment.
According to Assistant Secretary, Marco Aurelio Lucio, this awareness campaign aims to alert people to contact the Health Department to cancel the consultation, thus releasing the vacancy for someone else.
Internal procedures are being implemented to educate patients about the importance of being on time – Photo: Marcos Sanches / Secom
“With this scheduling center pilot project, which consists of calling each patient to confirm whether to attend the consultation, we hope to significantly reduce absenteeism in the network,” the secretary explained.
The municipal health network currently includes permanent physicians in 20 specialties.
The Municipal Health Department also advances through the Basic Health Units to scheduled medical appointments across the intersection (done in the state network). In this case, a total of 20,289 appointments and 3,092 appointments were booked, i.e. 15.23%.
Internal procedures are being implemented to educate patients about the importance of being on time – Photo: Marcos Sanches / Secom