The European Union (EU) wants to train at least one million new experts in advanced technologies over the next three years to compete with China and the United States and is looking for companies and educational institutions to help retain professionals. The initiative, presented this Tuesday during the annual summit of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), in Brussels, has an initial investment of 25 million euros and focuses on technologies that can promote social change – what the European Union calls deep technology .
“The European Union is seen as a Organizer And not as an innovator. The European Commissioner for Innovation, Maria Gabriel, admitted during the presentation of the project that we have to solve this problem.” “Digitization is a reality. But there is a new wave of innovation,” continues Gabriel, who has called on various member states for support. “Oh deep technology It’s about technologies that drive social change.”
deep technology It was the most frequent expression during the top, but no concrete definition. In the European Union, English words are used to identify all technologies that aim to respond to global challenges such as food shortages and climate change. It is one of the main elements well European Innovation Agenda, adopted by the European Commission in July.
broad definition
“It’s a purposefully broad area,” explains EIT Director Martin Kern, when asked by PÚBLICO for the definition. “What kind of technologies does it include? Artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain quantum computing,” he lists. “The kind of innovation we want is not coming from just one technology, but from a combination of different innovations.”
No major details were provided about the Deep Tech Talent initiative. It is only known that it will be led by the EIT which was born in 2008 to facilitate communication between universities, researchers and companies in the real world. The project is open to everyone, from high school students to researchers, professionals, and entrepreneurs. There will be additional incentives to promote women’s participation.
“We have €25 million to start the project, but we don’t think this represents the total costs and that’s why it’s important to find other partners,” Kern justified.
In addition to training new professionals, the initiative focuses on ensuring that professionals remain in Europe, avoiding so-called “brain imigrante (Brain drain). High salaries are one of the main reasons why European professionals and students leave the ancient continent for the United States, according to a literature review. published 2021 in the academic journal European Journal of Education, Research, Development and Policy.
Encouraging, attracting and retaining talent deep technology crucial to enabling green and digital transformations and harnessing a new wave of innovation in line with the new European innovation agenda”, summarized on stage by Commissioner Maria Gabriel.
PUBLIC traveled to Brussels at the invitation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology