a Intour Summit 2023which takes place between August 3 and 5, in Florianópolis (SC), announces the space IT Connect. Created in partnership with Integração Trade, the aim of the site is to consolidate a network of coordinators and key contacts to create networks and new companies.
“This space will be the scene of great partnerships. We often tell our students that we are not lonely stars, but a constellation. A group of star travel agents who, together, can overcome any challenge. We believe this is also the goal of business integration.”
Fernando Alves, Co-Founder of Entur
According to Ana Paola Ramazzini, founder of Integração Trade, on the site, the travel agent is invited to connect with the community, which today has more than 4,300 connected agents in Brazil and in eight countries.
“This integration is the result of a union of professionals who do not see themselves as competitors, but as synonymous with the strength and collaboration of the class. Visiting our space is knowing a little bit of what we take on daily through our official channels: the dissemination of technical content, strong and secure partnerships that together provide opportunities and materials to benefit your work. In addition, objective conversation wheels will be promoted to increase exchange and knowledge, agent to agent.”
Integration trade agents have a 20% discount for participating in the event. To get the special condition, just apply the AGENTEIT voucher and fill in the registration form.
For more information and registration for the Entur Summit 2023, simply reach out to location.
Intour Summit 2023
Date: August 3 to 5
Venue: Luiz Enrique da Silveira Events Center, Florianópolis (SC).
PANROTAS is a media partner for Entur Summit 2023
“Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast.”