We’ve been hearing rumors for some time that Telegram might be getting new paid subscription plans to try to monetize the platform. And it looks like it will finally happen now.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov confirmed today That the platform will launch its paid plans at the end of this month, and that it intends to be a way to expand the free offering currently on the platform – and which will remain.
Durov intends that this change will not affect users with free accounts, who will be able to continue to use the platform freely. However, for those who want some extra features, there will be the new paid subscription plans.
In fact, Durov states that in addition to users in the free version who do not feel any impact from the procedure, they can also take advantage of the offers enjoyed by premium users – for example, free users will be able to access documents sent in larger sizes. High by users in a paid subscription.
The company made the decision to launch these new subscription plans as a way to respond to the increasing cost of operating the platform, both in terms of traffic and storage.
Details of the new paid plans are yet to be revealed, but rumors and photos of how they work have been revealed over the past few weeks. The beta version of the Telegram app has already confirmed the existence of a file $4.99/monthwhich allows access to many additional features on the platform.
Durov compares Telegram Premium as a kind of Patreon, where whoever gets it can access additional features, with the platform supporting the launch of new features and improving the service.