The IRS has issued a new alert regarding the fake email that has been sent on its behalf to taxpayers, and specifically on consulting the IRS, calling for these messages to be ignored and not to click on the malicious link.
In the financial portal, tax authorities say they are aware that “some taxpayers” who have received emails are assumed to be from addresses like or, with the subject “AT – Consulta IRS”, where you are asked to click Above link is provided.
After providing an example of the message text, he warns that these messages are “wrong and should be ignored,” and that his goal is to persuade the recipient to “access harmful pages” by clicking on the suggested links.
“Under no circumstances may you perform this operation,” warns AT, in the posted alert, and also recommends reading the Information Security Bulletin available on the funding portal.
Tax authorities’ alerts about SMS or fake emails are more and more frequent, and even in March, they were alerted to the presence of fraudulent emails with the heading “Finance Gateway”, and are also asking taxpayers not to open the proposed “link”.
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