Kammatsari, January 10, 2024
my dear,
I, Maryland Santana, the matriarch of this family is married to Silvanie Moreira who was diagnosed in July 2021 with three head diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Microcephaly). All this accelerated the already very serious consequences of diseases.
My husband until 2021 had a routine of working, taking care of his family and reading the Bible, as his illness worsened during these three years, he was generating day by day limitations in all senses such as speech, touch and some neurolinguistic visions.
Today, the life of this man who was always devoted to his daughters, me and his granddaughters, has not yet reached the stage of development, but I see that the development of diseases will lead my husband to this end.
During the aforementioned period, we visited several doctors offering different types of treatment, paid for by financial contributions made by friends and family, but these resources ran out and Sylvani needed help.
In July 2023, through examination, Dr. Leonardo Avelar gave us the diagnosis that led to a light at the end of the tunnel…and taught us that installing a cephalic fluid drainage valve could slow the progression of diseases or even restore all cognitive functions.
Surgery to place a valve has a cost that is too high for the family's current financial circumstances and my husband's need prompted me to create an online fundraising campaign with the goal of raising R$30,000.00 to cover the costs of the anesthesiologist, the surgery itself and the post-surgery. from scientifict side.
My husband and I would like to thank everyone who sincerely believes they will help us in this fight.
Maryland Santana