I have rarely seen my work defined so succinctly. Indeed, the practice of psychiatry requires the professional to meet two experiences, that of an excellent physician and the ability to listen to the other, often being able to abandon their values, temporarily and with good reason, in order to understand the difference, what we might call an exercise in mutual respect. This is where real empathy and dialogue are born, much absent lately.
You see, the primary tool in the art of medicine is language above all, that technology that goes unnoticed many times, but that makes us special as human beings. To understand the technical side of medicine, it is enough to recall the need for self-support of the behavior to be followed and the difficulty of passing this teaching, because it is specific to every professional.
Attention to these aspects can be crucial to the success of treatment, because the reasons for its effect go beyond the intrinsic influence of the therapeutic method, from the natural history of the disease to the art of the healer, passing through to others. Explanations that do not fit here.
However, patient satisfaction is not always synonymous with good medical practice. In addition to the human aspect, the medical professional must have technical and scientific knowledge, constantly updated, and be able to translate and separate that information with good or ineffective evidence, after all, the reason is non-negotiable, and it is up to the professional to have the moral value to convey this . who asks you for help.
It is always good to remember that the essence of the Hippocratic Oath, which is repeated at every graduation of a class of medicine, is to direct the behavior of the physician so that he acts within and for the values of the society in which he enters. .
So, on this date in honor of psychiatrists (since the establishment of the Brazilian Psychiatric Association – ABP on August 13, 1966), I wish that mental health is increasingly valued in our society, and therefore lacks quality among the people.
This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Gazzetta.
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