Snapchat has gotten a lot of updates. For example, we learned that we will soon be able to change the username that has been with us for many years. Now there is another novelty that allows people to be safer. This is because we will be able to constantly share our location with someone. Needless to say, Snapchat has a new feature to protect us!
Snapchat has a new feature to protect us!
Sharing our location with someone has been something that has owned Snapchat for a long time. However, this sharing cannot always be done in real time.
This can come in very handy when we went to a third party we don’t know very well or any other suspicious site.
But this works with Snapchat in the background and even when the smartphone is locked. That is, we always alert someone to where we are without anyone noticing.
This live site is turned off by default. However, it can be activated during certain periods of fifteen minutes to several hours as mentioned on The Verge website.
Users will be able to share their location with multiple friends on the platform if they wish.
This system is being developed in partnership with a non-profit program whose main goal is to end sexual crimes on campuses. The new functionality will be introduced in a future update.
However, there is other big news.
For a long time users kept betting Username They initially chose. Needless to say, this was very frustrating. That is, whoever had a name that was weirder but made sense at the time, could just delete the account and create another one again, losing people they knew. Now this beautiful news has arrived for those who do not want to lose contacts, streaks, memories, awards and much more.
Location the edge Reports suggest that Snapchat will finally allow iOS and Android users to change usernames as early as next week. However, not all will be great. It will only be possible to change the name once a year. Moreover, we cannot choose a username that was already chosen in the past. That is, imagine that you have now changed to a name but after a year you want to go back to the old name. You won’t be able to.
This functionality was already available to some users oddly enough. But only in Australia. Now the rest of the world will be entitled to this, but as I mentioned, only from February 23. To take advantage of this, go to Settings > Username > Change User on Snapchat. This is where we can define the new username and permanently end the old one that embarrassed us.