Panrotas / Emerson Sousa
The Minister of Tourism and Travel of the State of São Paulo (Setur-SP) signed on Tuesday (11), in partnership with the digital financial institution ACCredito, a Memorandum of Intent aimed at developing financial credit products for companies belonging to the Registry of Tourism Service Providers (Cadastur). a Credito Turismo Paulista It will be the first line of credit offered by the fintech company to the tourism sector throughout Brazil.According to Deborah Strengueta, ACCredito’s Business and Commercial Supervisor, the Credit line dedicated to São Paulo tourism It targets micro, small and medium enterprises and its total value will reach R$ 250,000, which will serve as working capital so that companies carrying out tourism activities can purchase new equipment, hire employees and invest in new business products.
“Tourism is a category that encompasses more than 50 sectors, which requires a different view from our organization. With ACCredito, companies will be able to access credit digitally, directly on our platform, in an uncomplicated and agile way. It is issued after a quick analysis, which includes verification of forms and data completed by Cadastur itself,” Stringueta revealed.
The strategic partnership aims to assist companies in accessing information and requests for credit and financing operations, based on a schedule of disclosure of credit lines and face-to-face online assistance to companies interested in contributing. This initiative is an integral part of the São Paulo State Tourism Credit Programme, which will provide about R$4 billion in credit concessions through up to nine partner banking institutions.
ACCredito’s director and president, Milton Luiz de Melo Santos, noted that one of the company’s differentiators is the use of equity, which provides greater security for beneficiaries. “ACCredito, or Associação Comercial de Crédito, is a digital financial institution created by the São Paulo State Business Association, created in the midst of the pandemic to support small businesses. Fintech companies like ours were regulated in 2018 to operate solely through the equity of their shareholders, without Fundraising This premise brings our work closer to the beneficiaries, because it offers special conditions, without bureaucracy or material guarantees, ”comments Milo Santos.
Milton Santos indicated that ACCredito also offers other lines that may fit into the tourism sector, such as the Sustainability Line, which aims to finance the acquisition of photovoltaic panels (or solar panels) and encourage sustainable initiatives within companies. Companies in the tourism sector that have sustainability projects can access this type of support.
Roberto de Lucena, Minister of Tourism and Travel for the State of São Paulo, noted that the partnership is just a small part of a more robust program by the portfolio, which should be launched next month and which promises to revolutionize the credit sector across the country.
“We are developing the largest tourism credit program in Brazil, to offer, in the next 40 days, together with Governor Tarcisio de Freitas, a ‘basket’ of products and institutions that should be made available to municipalities and the private sector, approximately $4 billion in credit on special terms. The partnership with ACCredito is promising and represents an essential step in this program, which will certainly lead to other future lines to encourage the advancement of tourism activity throughout the country,” Lucena said.
Among those in attendance was Roberto de Lucena, SP’s Minister of Tourism and Travel. ACCredito President, Milton Santos; Setur-SP Executive Secretary, Luciane Leite; ACCredito Business and New Business Supervisor, Débora Stringueta and Eduardo Madeira, Invest-SP Consultant. Also present at the ceremony were the President of ABIH-SP, Ricardo Roman Jr., the President of the São Paulo Convention and Visitors Bureau, Tony Sandu, among other authorities in the tourism trade.
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