Between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December, Sesc São José dos Campos is promoting a program aimed at reminding and raising awareness of the population on World AIDS Day, which is celebrated around the world on December 1.
During the forty years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, there have been many advances and changes in treatment processes, however, there are still important issues to overcome, such as misinformation and bias.
To give insight into discussions and reflection on AIDS, Sesc conducts an online conversation about HIV/AIDS, quality of life and reflections on living in the community, with guests Flip Couto, creator of Coletivo AMEM, member of House Of Zion and co-founder of BlackHealth Alliance; and Nelson Phyllis, Professor in the Social Sciences Applied to Health and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Alternative, Complementary and Integrative Practices in Health (LAPACIS/Unicamp).
To complete the programme, the actors and actresses Natalia Bastos, Vanessa Zanchini and Melina Siqueira, personally present at Sesc José, enter 10 Minutos Para Você, which consists of an artistic encounter in which a comfort zone from the rest of the day-to-day mechanism, generating an experience of comfort and welcome.
Online chat
HIV/AIDS, Quality of Life and Reflections on Living in Society
With Flip Cotto and Nelson Phyllis
First day, 7:30 p.m.
watch on youtube.com/sescsjcampos. Free shipping. With translation to Libras.
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to intervene
10 minutes for you – impressive performance
With Natalia Bastos, Vanessa Zanchini and Melina Siqueira.
second day from 6 pm to 8 pm; And the third day from ten in the morning until twelve noon.
coexistence. Free shipping. free.
“Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast.”