RAM Health Service, EPERAM informs that, as of today, it provides a survey platform with the aim of evaluating the degree of user satisfaction with the care provided in the various services.
The digital platform Inquéritos @ Online, designed and developed entirely by SESARAM Informatics Nucleus, presents questions directed to the context of the service provided to the user. With this new functionality, after each consultation, urgency and hospitalization service in SESARAM, the user will receive a hyperlink in their email address to complete their satisfaction survey. This will also be available on the user portal, allowing the user to refer, at any time, to completed surveys and those still to be completed.
This filling can be done on any device be it a computer, tablet or mobile phone.
The data collected is anonymous and used exclusively for statistical purposes, with the aim of improving the performance of the care provided. In this way, the health service will be able to continuously evaluate the degree of satisfaction of its users.