The new coach will be introduced in the next few days
• Photo: Ricardo Junior.
Henrique Sereno’s departure from SAD’s leadership of AVS caused surprise in the Avenge universe. The news was announced in a management statement, but it provided little information about the reasons that led to the divorce.
However, a source from AVS SAD pointed out register This departure will not in any way change the planning for the new season, which is the hiring of a new coach who will be introduced in the coming days. Regarding the context of Henrique Sereno’s departure, we have confirmed that the decision came from the captain himself, who chose to end this cycle at Villa das Aves because he understood that moving up the division was the goal he intended to achieve in this investment project. It started in Vila Franca di Zira, before moving to the municipality of Santo Tirso. The rest of the SAD administration was not surprised by the position taken, as Sereno had previously left internal indications about his desire to leave his position.
However, it is still strange that about a week ago Henrique Sereno publicly stated the growing ambition of the AVS SAD project, focusing on improving infrastructure and strengthening the European project in the medium term.
Now, SAD’s main investor will have to appoint a new president, and the choice may fall on Miguel Socorro, the current managing director.
Henrique Sereno’s departure from SAD’s leadership of AVS caused surprise in the Avenge universe. The news was announced in a statement by the administration, but it provided little information about the reasons that led to the divorce…
Written by Jose Santos
“Food fanatic. Organizer. Hipster-friendly tv specialist. Avid reader. Devoted web ninja.”