Otolaryngology is the specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the ear, nose and throat. Sometimes, to control the clinical situation, it is necessary to resort to surgical procedures, which are also performed by an otolaryngologist.
Surgical interventions in this area may be justified in certain cases of hearing loss, chronic ear infections, difficulty breathing through the nose, recurrent infections of the tonsils, or in patients who suffer from severe snoring. Users can also use this specialty for aesthetic reasons, especially those related to the appearance of the nose and ears.
At the nasal level, the most common surgeries are septoplasty, used to correct obstructed deviations of the nasal septum, and endoscopic nasal surgery, which allows treatment of chronic sinusitis by removing secretions and widening the sinus opening. And rhinoplasty, a process by which an attempt is made to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose, such as increasing or reducing the tip of the nose.
On the auditory level, a myringotomy is a procedure that allows the drainage of secretions behind the eardrum that cause hearing deficits, which is very common in children; tympanoplasty allows correction of holes in the tympanic membrane; Mastoidectomy is the technique reserved for specific cases of chronic otitis media, and stapedectomy is the intervention used to treat otosclerosis, in which the stirrup bone (the small bone in the middle ear) is replaced with a prosthesis. Aesthetically, it is also common to perform otoplasty, a surgery that allows correction of a winged or prominent ear.
At the throat level, the most common interventions are tonsillectomy, which includes tonsillectomy, as indicated in cases of difficulty breathing, recurrent infections or chronic tonsillitis with bad breath, and uvula and pharyngoplasty, which are performed with the aim of treating or reducing snoring. sleep apnea, this technique involves removing/reducing tissues that obstruct the passage of air, such as the tonsils, soft palate, uvula, and pharynx; and laryngeal microsurgery, an operation performed to treat vocal cord injuries.