“A real investment” for “four more years of progressive government” was the promise left by Pedro Sánchez on Saturday. Less than 24 hours after the end of Alberto Núñez Viejo’s failed inauguration, the head of the current executive has listed some of the commitments he intends to make in his inauguration debate, confident that he will quickly be nominated by the king to form the government.
At a rally that gathered more than 3,000 supporters in Seville, the socialist leader confirmed that he would move the equalization bill to Parliament, make housing the legislature’s “major national issue” or ensure that the minimum wage always corresponds to “$60.” % of average salary” in Spain.
Sánchez spoke of the future, spoke of Figo’s “lies” in his “inauguration” and the “coexistence” resulting from the “guided dialogue” of recent years, without uttering the word that has dominated the political debate for weeks.
The amnesty – for participants in the 2017 independence referendum in Catalonia – “is not a priority problem on the street, unlike inflation, prices and interest rates,” say mayors and regional Socialist Workers Party officials interviewed by the newspaper. El Pais . They are the same ones who admit that they are looking forward to knowing the details of the agreement with the Egyptian Red Crescent Authority [Esquerda Republicana da Catalunha] and Juntes, the two Catalan parties with which the Socialist leadership is negotiating to rely on their support for Sánchez.
The socialist strategy specifically involves not using the word “taboo” – there has been talk of a plan to “delegitimise” the conflict between the state and Catalonia – and insisting, instead, on “calls for coexistence and dialogue”, he points out. El Pais . An idea that must be repeated persistently. When he presents himself before Congress as a candidate, Sánchez intends to “defend amnesty as a political tool for coexistence and not as an amendment to justice,” the digital newspaper wrote. elDiario.es .
“We took charge of this country in 2019, with a society traumatized by an institutional and constitutional crisis the likes of which we have not seen in 40 years,” the Prime Minister said at a press conference before the right-wing leader’s inauguration. debate. “Citizenship said yes to the reunification policy with decisions fraught with risks and sometimes misunderstood,” he said, recalling the end of the crime of sedition that benefited Catalan politicians who had already been convicted and, mainly, the pardon of leaders who are still serving their sentences. Charged with “sedition” and “disobedience”. Sanchez’s commitment is to “be consistent” with his “policy of normalization in Catalonia.”
Despite expressing their “discomfort”, both the PSOE and its allies from the leftist Somare Program continue to downplay the resolution approved by the Catalan Parliament on Friday demanding that Sánchez commit to “working to create the conditions for holding a referendum” on self-determination. Socialist leadership officials whom he consulted elDiario.es Talk about “decision Parliament “As we have seen decisions of all kinds these years – the negotiations are taking place elsewhere.”