Nikolai and Pavel Durov, Russian businessmen aged 40 and 39 respectively, are at the heart of a legal controversy related to Telegram, a social messaging network operating from Dubai and shrouded in mystery due to its ties to companies on the islands. carrot.
Telegram was created by the Durov brothers and is currently under investigation by the Spanish National Court due to complaints from companies alleging infringement of intellectual property rights and unauthorized use of user content.
National Court Judge Santiago Pedraz initially issued a ruling to block Telegram due to a lack of cooperation from authorities in the Virgin Islands, where the service is based. But after 72 hours, the judge overturned his decision, deeming it “disproportionate and unfair,” and requested more information about the progress and impact of the request.
The brothers are known for their ability to stay out of the limelight. Pavel, who previously co-founded Vkrontake (VK), a Facebook-like social network, ran into trouble with the Russian government when he refused to hand over data on Ukrainian protesters, leading to VK's ban and subsequent departure from the company. The Economista says.
However, the Durov brothers were prepared: before VK was banned, they created Telegram and spun it off, setting it up as an independent company in London, then moving its headquarters to Dubai and setting up entities in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands.
Although Telegram currently has 900 million users, it is still far behind its competitors, such as WhatsApp and WeChat. However, its valuation by investors exceeds $30 billion (€27.7 billion), and Pavel Durov has ruled out selling the app, pending a future IPO.
Along the way, Telegram has faced criticism for its lack of regulation, raising concerns about its potential for criminal activity. Despite this, the Durov family denies any Kremlin influence on Telegram and continues to pursue profitability through advertising strategies.
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