Using the MAHLI (Mars Hand Lens Imager) camera on its robotic arm, the Curiosity rover captured these “images” (actually, they are images made up of several images) of the terrain of Mars, on February 24 and 25, 2022 (which corresponds to SOL 3396 and SOL day 3396). 3397).
Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS
What you find interesting: is it a flower?
In fact, this structure is dubbed Blackthorn saltis a small metallic formation, the size of less than a coin, As Abigail Freeman says,the mission world of the Curiosity rover.
(1/3) Your Friday Zen Moment: A beautiful new micrograph from Tweet embed Small displays, tiny microscopic structures formed by the action of precipitated minerals from the water.
(Penny almost to scale added me)
– Abigail Freeman (@abbyfrae) February 26 2022
As she says, they are very small, minute structures, formed from “minerals precipitated from water.” conglomerates Three-dimensional at generation crystals (Where there is mineral reorganization).
as in the case of The famous blueberrythere is also concrete here: there are minerals (in this case, with a small rock) in a structure that over time has undergone a process of erosion, until in this case it has reached a shape similar to a flower.
This means that geology is already understood on Earth.
But on Mars, pareidolia often makes us think we see things we don’t.
I didn’t just “see” the flower. In the second image, the rock structure at the top right looks like a chicken pie! 😀
sources: NASAAnd the NASAAnd the Science alertAnd the universe today.
Tweet embed She photographed a funky-looking metallic formation that day. This is a 3D model created from 6 images captured by the MAHLI tool.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSSWatch it in 3D on Tweet embed
– Simeon Suns (@stim3on) February 25 2022
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