Once again, actress Regina Duarte, 76, has received a penalty from Instagram. published a False news About the protesters of the January 8 coup, the post received the stamp of false information.
a video He was a liar about the actions in which the Bolsonarians plundered public property. At the beginning, a sentence saying: “Pictures that the media will not show.”
At one point, a man with a Workers’ Party (Workers’ Party, for Brazilian President Lula da Silva) flag appears as if he is a hooligan. In fact, the flag was stolen and it was Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters who vandalized the buildings of the Republic’s authorities. Instagram claims that the content has been reviewed by independent auditors who have witnessed falsehood.
Regina Duarte, Bolsonaro’s culture minister, had already received other warnings from the platform. So much so that every time someone tries to follow the actress, they get an alert that her profile usually posts a lot False news. He asks “Are you sure you want to follow Regina Duarte?”
“This account has repeatedly posted false information that has been reviewed by independent fact-checkers or otherwise goes against our Community Guidelines,” the alert reads once the user clicks “Continue.”
The last false tip I posted was in February, about the Yanomami clan. Regina also exposed lies about the electoral process.
Exclusive PÚBLICO / Folha de S.Paulo
Note: PÚBLICO respected the composition of the original text, with the exception of some words or phrases not used in the Portuguese language from Portugal.