Jesus appears among them and confirms that he has a body, the same body that bears the signs of the Passion, that it is nourished, and that it is tangible.
Father Cesar Augusto; SJ – Vatican News
“Proclaim the resurrection and redemption of Jesus”
This Sunday's Gospel tells us about the difficulty of the Apostles' faith in the Resurrection. The influence of Greek dualism, the separation of body and soul and its superiority in relation to matter which was considered destined to disappear, made members of the early Christian sect find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of the body.
As in John, we can understand Luke's accuracy when he said that Jesus' appearance occurred at night, not only the night of physical nature, but the night of the soul, filled with anguish, turmoil, and doubts.
Jesus appears among them and confirms that he has a body, the same body that bears the signs of the Passion, that it is nourished, and that it is tangible.
The Lord must open our hearts and minds so that we may believe in His resurrection. It is not enough to see and feel, we need grace, God's gift to understand the Bible.
Then the Lord gave his friends the task of being his witnesses. This brings us to the Book of Acts, where Peter's action demonstrates what it means to live this commandment. Pedro announced kerygmaThat is, eternal newness: Jesus, the Son of God, died and rose to redeem us.
In the third reading, John teaches us in his letter that knowing God, and knowing Jesus, is keeping His commandments, and we know that His greatest commandment is love.
Therefore, our mission as a baptized people is to proclaim the redemption and resurrection of Jesus and to love everyone without limits.