The occurrence of the epidemic has a “steady upward trend at the national level” and the data indicate a “slowdown in growth in occurrence” between April 8 and 11, as a result of the decline in Rt, indicates the monitoring report on Covid-19 red lines prepared by DGS and INSA and released on Friday.
According to the document, “there is a decrease in Rt, between April 8 and 11, from 1.08 to 1.01”.
Thus, the report says, “Given the current Rt value (average of 5 days), a line of 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants will be reached within one to two months”.
As for the pressure on SNS, the document indicates that the number of inpatients in intensive care units (ICUs) on the continent is “currently slightly decreasing to a stable trend” and is less than half the specified critical value (245 beds occupied).
The positivity rate, which measures the percentage of positive tests in total SARS-CoV-2 tests, remains less than half the set target of 4%, of 1.6%. The document notes that the number of tests performed in the past seven days has increased.
The UK variant accounts for 82.9% of infections based on samples collected in March, while the South African variant has a prevalence of 2.5% and the Brazilian variant only 0.4%.
In this way, the report concludes that the country is “in an epidemic situation with moderate intensity of community transmission and less pressure on health services.” He adds: “There was a slight increase in transmission in the younger age groups, where the risk of unfavorable disease development is lower.”