And the registration of the unemployed in employment centers, in February, reached the lowest level since the beginning of the epidemic. The 344,264 jobless people registered by the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) represented the lowest number since March 2020 – the month that marked the start of the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal – when there was 343,761 people were registered.
Unemployment registered by the IEFP began rising in March 2020 and peaked in March 2021, when 432,851 people were registered in employment centres. Since then, the number has declined (excluding December 2021 and January 2022) on a monthly basis, while declines compared to the same period began in May last year.
According to statistics released on Monday, the number of people registered in employment centers decreased by 3.3% compared to January (11,604 fewer) and decreased by 20.3% compared to February 2021 (87,579 fewer unemployed), when the country faced the second booking, the largest annual decline since the beginning of the pandemic.
The Department of Labor and Social Security noted, on a note, that the monthly drop corresponds to the largest drop ever in February since this data series began in 2003.
The decrease in unemployment occurred in most sectors of activity and in all regions of the country, with an emphasis on the Algarve region, where there was an annual decrease of 30.8%.
“To the decrease in registered unemployment, compared to the same month in 2021, groups of individuals who were registered less than a year ago, those looking for a new job and those aged 25 or older contributed,” according to the IEFP. .
Youth unemployment (people under the age of 25) decreased by 3.4% (1,304 fewer young adults) and 27.7% (1,4003 fewer young adults) compared to the same period last year.