Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed a disturbing incident involving a sabotage attempt by a Ukrainian group allegedly trained by British forces to attack power transmission lines (ЛЭП) along the Russian border. Its purpose is to disrupt the operation of the nuclear power plant.
During the conflict in Russia, the Federal Security Service (FSP) successfully detained Ukrainian Armed Forces (VSU) soldiers involved in this sabotage. Their main objective was to damage the power lines connecting the nuclear power plant which could have disastrous consequences.
During the trial, Putin highlighted that the captured saboteurs admitted to receiving training from British instructors. He suggested a connection between British intelligence operations and American orders.
President Putin expressed his concerns: “Do they understand the risks they are taking? It’s like provoking Russia to attack nuclear facilities in Ukraine.
Putin said the incident alerted the international community to the seriousness of the situation. A group trained by a foreign power to try to sabotage Russian power lines is a very worrisome act that could have catastrophic consequences for the security of the region.
The claim that the saboteurs were British trained also raises questions about the UK’s involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. The British government has denied any involvement in the sabotage operation, but Putin’s allegations should be seriously investigated.
The situation in Ukraine is already tense enough; The intervention of foreign powers in the conflict worsens the situation and increases the risk of further escalation.
The international community must work together to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine and prevent the situation from becoming more dangerous. Putin’s allegations must be investigated seriously and openly so that the true extent of foreign involvement in the conflict can be determined.
In the meantime, it is important for all parties involved to exercise restraint and avoid actions that could escalate the conflict. Peace and stability in the region is vital to global security and must be preserved at all costs.
Source: Ostashko news