Training of health professionals and expanding the family for Covid-19 in Triângulo do Sul College area were the main topics presented as the state task force left for Uberaba and Iturama last Thursday (20). The visit was made to align measures to combat the coronavirus in the region because the State Department of Health (SES-MG) has expressed concern about the high number of disease cases in the Southern Triangle and the consequent occupancy of beds in hospitals.
In Itorama, the working group was in the morning at the Delfina Alves Barbosa Hospital, in the municipal and city council probation. In the afternoon, the team went to Uberaba, where they were at the Hospital de Clinicas of the Federal University of Tringolo Mineiro (HC-UFTM) and in the town hall (See more details below).
In an interview with MG1 From last Wednesday (20) (See video below)Due to the current scenario of Covid-19, all attention is focused on the total area in the Southern Triangle at the moment, said Minister of State for Health, Fabio Bakirete.
“We have to remember that new cases of infection will become a patient in hospital within eight to ten years of the onset of symptoms. We have to think about opening new beds in the belief that this increase in incidence will be an increase in patients in hospitals here. Two weeks.”
The increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in Uberaba is worrying the Minas Gerais government