Providers justify charging private patients the cost of enhanced protection. Deco criticizes. Some dental kits and clinics have already stopped charging.The amounts charged to customers for personal protective equipment (PPE) for health professionals, among special units, vary more than three times. In one large group, there are 16 different prices. And there are non-conforming clients: "If they exist, it's because they have the hygiene and safety conditions to be a hospital. Presumably the presence of viruses, etc., is their responsibility," says J. n. Jose Santos, whose fees are paid in two private hospitals.RelatedCompetition. A fine of 190 million euros for private hospitals National. A quarter of NHS doctors want to leave or build up with the private sectordeliveries. Thrones go against the rules and do more and more caesarean sectionsWhile CUF charges a daily fee of €2 for an outpatient clinic (consultations, permanent care, imaging, dentistry, etc.), the Hospital da Luz network practices a range of 16 “predictable value” per “group” up to €50 per square ( 150, if sick with COVID-19), 7.5 euros in dentistry (15, in the case of COVID-19), or 30 in interventional cardiology.