Meningitis C vaccines are again available to the public 16 years of age or older, in Belo Horizonte, starting next Monday (8). According to the city council, the vaccine will be available in 152 health centers from the city.
Meningitis C is caused by bacteria Neisseria meningitidis (meningococci) They are most dangerous when they reach the bloodstream, causing a generalized infection. Vaccination is an important form of disease prevention.
The campaign runs until July 30th. According to the municipality, The vaccine will be given as long as doses are availableFollowing the directions of the Department of Health and the State Department of Health.
However, according to the PBH, the meningitis C vaccine continues to be used in children, adolescents, and health workers who are not yet immunized.
According to the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMSA), There is no contraindication to taking the meningitis C vaccine and other vaccinations on the same day as for Covid-19 and influenza.For example.