05/08/2022 – Helsio Duarte Filho
The Chief Justice and the Supreme Court of Justice received representatives of Fenajufe in a week dedicated to lobbying activities on the “budget”
A marathon of activities is underway to include proposals in the 2023 budget that do justice to and meet the category guidelines. In the midst of this movement, representatives of the unions of employees of the Federal Judiciary and the MPU obtained a decision in this regard at a hearing with the President of TST, Emmanoel Pereira.
The Minister has signed the equalization of the value of health assistance within the scope of the Employment Court of the first and second instance with the value of the Federal Court (Law CSJT.GP. ASSJUR No. 110/2022) – effective July 2022. It also commits to include the new values for food and daycare in the proposed budget for 2023, As already announced.
“At this time when the budget is on the agenda, we are particularly dealing with issues related to wages and bonuses for servers and workers,” according to Server Fabiano dos Santos, Director of the National Federation (Fenajufe) and Sintrajud.
Also participating in the meeting, which took place in Brasilia on Friday 5 August 2022, are Fenajufe coordinators Lucina Pacheco and Soraia Marca and coordinator Luiz Cláudio Correa.
The struggle to readjust
“We touch on the need to rearrange the salaries of civil servants, with a claim at a rate of 30.65%, taking this discussion to build the proposal that will be approved in the Tuesday session next week.”
Other guidelines were conveyed to the President of the Supreme Labor Court, such as the higher level of technicians (NS), the reclassification of assistants, the operation of the job forum, the postponement of the deadline for the implementation of Resolution 296, referring to the organizational restructuring and staffing of the Labor Court, and the correction of transfer compensation for bailiffs.
A few months after stepping down as chief justice, the minister said he intended to pay special attention to the points raised until the end of his term in October.
The union has also requested equalization of the amount of assistance provided to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) and Federal Council of Justice (CJF) as well as to the Supreme Military Tribunal (STM). In São Paulo, Sintrajud made requests in this regard in the courts.
“In addition to leaving this meeting with a new health allowance amount of 546 reais, equivalent in the labor court with values already approved in the Federal Court, we left with an important commitment from the head of the TST: the inclusion in the budget proposal of the food allowance values of 1,293.06 reais, As described earlier, the daycare allowance of R$951.84,” Fabiano reports.
“These markers are important, remembering that this assistance was created through joint ordinances and expresses the mandate limits that are included in the LDO[Budget Guidelines Act]meaning that we can readjust from the last revision of the assistance, which occurred in June 2018,” notes the union leader[LeideDiretrizesOrçamentárias}ãúúnmentarademrepoderque doc in daúsentarademrepodermosque dóriaux2018][قانونإرشاداتالموازنة}،بمعنىأنهيمكنناإعادةالتعديلمنالمراجعةالأخيرةللمساعدة،الذيحدثفييونيو2018″،يلاحظزعيمالنقابة[LeideDiretrizesOrçamentárias}nosentidodepodermosreajustarapartirdaúltimarevisãodoauxílioqueocorreuemjunhode2018”observaodirigentesindical
blackout week
The agenda of the TST was one of the last week of protests in the Federal Judiciary (‘Apagão’), in São Paulo and Brasilia, visits to parliamentarians, hearings, meetings and many joint activities with other sectors of the civil service, within the scope of Fosasefe, the National Forum of Federal Employees.
“We are meeting intense agendas at this moment in the budget discussion, trying to ensure the maximum possible progress for our class, both immediately and for the 2023 budget proposal,” concludes Fabiano, emphasizing the importance of inclusion and participation of the class as a whole in this mobilization.
Fenajufe representatives and TST President pose for the official photo of the meeting
Photo: Fenajufe
“Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast.”