This Tuesday (22/03), the National Council of Health (CNS) met roughly with the Executive Secretariats and Presidencies of State Health Boards (CES) and Municipal Health Boards (CMS) in the capitals. Among the goals was the harmonization of measures for World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7.
Panel discussions, inter-council plenary sessions, discussion forums, and thematic seminars are among the CES and CMS initiatives to celebrate the appointment and foster local discussions that advance the advocacy of the SUS in the most diverse regions. All social health monitoring actions will be disclosed on the social networks of the central nervous system.
To celebrate this day, the CNS will launch a major national vaccination campaign, supported by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). “We need to reach, at least, 85% of the Brazilian population who has been vaccinated with the full course of vaccination, including the booster dose and the vaccination of children,” warns CNS chief Fernando Bigato.
We pressured the Ministry of Health to carry out a resolute campaign in direct language, but it did not happen, quite the contrary. Then we will assume a strong and direct institutional campaign for the whole country, to save the importance of vaccination as a whole ”, continues Bigato.
Health Conferences
Representatives of state and municipal health boards gave a snapshot of how the epidemic was being tackled in their areas. They also provided information on the organization of preparatory activities for the Fifth National Conference on Mental Health (CNSM), which will take place from 8-11 November this year.
Since November 2021, the Fifth National Council of Meteorology’s municipal or regional college conferences have been held, with the deadline ending on April 30. The state and county stages must be promoted through June 30, while free conferences, plenary sessions, workshops, and other preparatory activities have a September 30 deadline.
The agenda of the meeting also included the preparatory activities for the 17th National Congress of Health, to be held in 2023, including the Social Forum of Resistance, to be held from 27-30 April, in Porto Alegre.
Introducing new CNS board members
This is the first meeting of the new composition of the CNS Board of Directors with representatives of CES and CMS. On this occasion, the new members of the commission were also introduced, who were sworn in in December 2021. The commission is composed of a majority of women, and highlights the importance of strengthening collective bonds with representations of social control in states and municipalities, in defense of the SUS and Brazilian democracy.
says Maddalena Teixeira, which is part of the table and represents Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) in the central nervous system.
“Being here strengthens us and invites us to fight. Hand in hand, together we will continue to face new abuses and challenges, reaffirming our commitment to defending SUS for all, all and all. And that it can give the necessary attention to the black population. It is necessary to make this reduction because of the whole history we live in, of neglect and abandonment of this population”, continues the National Health Adviser Conceição Silva, who represents the Black and Black Aeon for Equality (Unegro) in the CNS.
Ascom CNS
Cover photo: Luiz Felipe Stevanim – Fiocruz Notícias