Everywhere you can find a person who is accustomed to biting his nails. Psychiatrist Julia Trindade, member of the ABP (Brazilian Psychiatric Association), explains that often starting during childhood, onychophilia, the name given to this habit, can occur as a reaction to stress, anxiety, boredom, sensory self-regulation or… Compulsive habit. “There are also studies that show that 30% of people bite their nails and that there is a genetic component associated with that,” he adds.
Dermatologist Vivian Scarpa, of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, says that the habit of biting your nails can spread microorganisms from the nails to the skin, generating infection, and if the patient infects the nail matrix (the skin under the nails), it can cause permanent damage to the layer. External. Furthermore, it can cause tooth erosion and increase the risk of infection due to germs coming into contact with the mouth.
Experts say that depending on the cause of the habit, some treatment may be necessary. Suggestions include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps identify and modify unwanted behaviors; Use bitter products on the nails to inhibit the action; When there is an association with anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder, the use of medications can help improve the condition
In addition to these treatments, a dermatologist recommends using artificial nails, using adhesive tapes on the nails, and chewing gum as a way to avoid biting your nails and get rid of this habit. The psychologist also recommends using nail polish, identifying and avoiding triggers, toys or objects that keep your hands busy.
“Since the condition often begins in childhood, parents should pay attention to possible signs of concern, and parents who bite their nails are more likely to have children who bite because they see their parents in the act of biting. Guidance on the harm this condition causes” It can cause Understanding why the patient does this is essential so that recurrences do not occur,” emphasizes Vivian