Ricardo Gonçalves left strong criticism in the municipal council regarding the health situation in the municipality and in the country
The Mayor of Santarém, in the Municipal Council, expressed his regret that the mayors had not participated in the process that led to the creation of a new management model that would integrate the district hospital and health centers of Lazaré do Tejo. “We do not know zero,” Ricardo Gonçalves said, reiterating that he does not accept the normalization of the lack of health care in the municipality and in the country.
The Mayor of Santarém has once again launched strong criticisms of the state of the National Health Service and this time also of the process of creating Local Health Units (ULS), which Ricardo Gonçalves (PSD) says has been developed in Lessería do Tejo without the participation of municipalities that have recently begun to increase their competencies in the field of health. “I regret that eleven days before the start of the ULS, the municipality of Santarém knew nothing about its work, as is the case with other municipalities in Lesseria,” the mayor criticized at the municipal council session of 20 December.
The new ULS model came into effect on January 1, 2024 and places the reference hospital and health centers in each region under the same management. In the case of L'Iseria do Tejo, the District Hospital of Santarem and the Group of Health Centers of L'Iseria (ACES) now have a joint administration, and Ricardo Gonçalves expressed his regret that, a few days into the new reality, no information had been shared with the municipalities by the Ministry. Health and the entities subject to its supervision.
“No one knows what they are doing”
“When I say that health is disastrous in Portugal that is why; no one knows what they are doing. Our people are going through difficulties, we cannot and will not remain silent. Our voice will not fail to point out what is wrong. “Normalizing this is shameful and I do not accept Normalizing the lack of healthcare in our country and in our municipality,” Ricardo Gonçalves declared in the municipal council, where he once again expressed his regret for the closure of services at the Santarém District Hospital and the inconvenience it causes to users and their families.
O MIRANTE later contacted, and Ricardo Gonçalves reported that the day after the municipal council, the municipality had received the study from the ULS that would work in Lezíria do Tejo, but again expressed its regret that everything had been done “behind the backs of the mayors.”
The decree-law that created 32 new local health units, including the Lezíria ULS, was published on November 7, 2023. According to the Diploma, which enters into force from January 1, 2024, “ACES, hospitals and hospital centers are already integrated and the existing one in the ULS form constitutes an eligible To respond to the SNS, streamline processes, increase coordination between teams of health professionals, focus on expertise and pathways between different levels of care, increase management autonomy, improve the participation of citizens, communities, professionals and local authorities in defining, monitoring and evaluating health policies, and maximize access to and efficiency of the NHS.
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