On Thursday, August 11, Ana Garcia Martins, better known as “Bibuka Maes Duce,” took to her personal Instagram account to reveal that she’s about to embark on a… trip “surprise” Friend prepared it. The digital influencer was very worried.
“I’m nervous because I don’t appreciate it, I’m not so fond of this thing of packing a suitcase without having a clue where I’m going (…) guesses?”vent when he was at the airport.
Moments later, Pipoca Mais Doce returned to social media to share a photo with her boyfriend and reveal the destination of her surprise trip. The digital influencer is based in Bilbao, Spain, and has revealed it’s a place she’s always wanted to visit.
“When I got to the airport today, I had no idea where I was going. I packed my bags for three or four days, just like this, and I pray we don’t end up in Iceland eight degrees. I got Bilbao in tow and couldn’t have been Better, because I’ve wanted to come here for a very long time. And know. Ways we’re here”wrote in the explanation of the publication.
Now see: