May 13, 2023 12:53
Almost eight thousand MRI scans of the brains of men and women from 29 countries were studied by researchers – all psychiatrists and specialists, above all, in bipolar illness – and allowed them to prove for the first time that gender inequality harms others. female brain
May 13, 2023 12:53
A society that does not treat men and women equally creates a female population with weaker brains. Subjugating women damages brain structures, to the point of reducing cognitive ability and increasing the risk of mental illness. The conclusion is contained in a study now published in the renowned Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, with a Portuguese among the authors.
Almost eight thousand MRI images of the brains of men and women from 29 countries were studied by researchers – all psychiatrists and specialists, above all, in bipolar illness – and allowed them to prove, for the first time, that gender inequality causes trauma to the brain. the female. Brain damage is evident in women living in socially underdeveloped countries.
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