A few days ago I visited the Grão-Vasco Museum in Viseu. It is impossible not to be intrigued Adoration of the MagiWritten by Portuguese Vasco Fernandez (Grand Vasco) and the Flemish Francisco Henrique. This work, dating from 1501–1506, provides the first reference to Brazil in Western art, where Balthasar is represented as an Indian, recognizable by his feathered headdress. His painting was picked up shortly after the discovery, by Pedro Alvares Cabral, of what was initially called Tira da Vera Cruz and was certainly a reaction to Pedro Vaz de Caminha’s letter to Manuel I describing the indigenous population as susceptible to receiving Christianity, an idea that could not be However, given the short time the Portuguese spent there before the fleet headed for India, it was a desire rather than a conviction, even though Brazil is today the country with the most Catholics in the world.
I think the Portuguese have never lost their fascination with Brazil. As a colony, it has had an extraordinary history. The Portuguese royal family came to live there, Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the Portuguese Empire, and the Portuguese prince declared independence himself, who celebrated his 200th birthday yesterday. Slavery took a long time to be abolished.
In these two centuries as an independent country, one of the five largest in the world, Brazil has not ceased to amaze. It was a monarchy when republics were the rule in the Americas, similar to the United States. It was the land of immigration for people as diverse as Italians, Lebanese, Germans, and Japanese. He sent soldiers to Europe to help defeat Nazism. He took part in creating the United Nations and having its president always speak first during annual sessions is a poor compensation for not being a permanent member of the Security Council, because he deserves his contribution to peace. As for the Amazon, it is beautiful and an ecological treasure appreciated by the whole world. Its culture, popular as well as educated, is enormous. The strength of its economy, from agribusiness to aviation, promises a lot. And all its flaws, social inequalities, as well as criminality are examples, it is not denied that one day, when the abbreviation BRIC was very popular, magazine editor singleAmong these emerging powers, named after Russia, India and China, the most attractive lifestyle among these emerging powers is that of Brazil, said Tyler Brule. B of the brevity, with its tropical climate, comfortable attitude to people, quality of kitchen, beauty of music and much more.
Yes, Stefan Zweig called Brazil the country of the future, and since then, there is no shortage of people quoting the Austrian writer to show optimism, or belief in prophecy, or pessimism, saying sarcastically that in the lands that Cabral discovered (or found) the future always must Postpone it. And it’s time to speak ill of politicians, both right and left.
There now appears to be a growing fascination among Brazilians for Portugal, they are already the largest immigrant community. It is strange that he turned history, because for centuries, before and after 1822, it was the Portuguese who in Brazil sought to EldoradoJust think of the family of Carmen Miranda, who spent her most famous in Rio de Janeiro, and don’t imagine that the girl born in Varzia de Ophelia would become an icon of the country of adoption. Well, like D. Pedro, who was born in Queluz and reached the other side of the Atlantic at the age of ten, just in time to fall in love with the land that would be granted independence after Ipiranga shoutwhich simplifies what was a much more complex historical process, with important roles played by Empress Leopoldina, José Bonifacio, and even Di. João VI, who incensed the liberal Cortes, and returned to Lisbon annoyed, but not without saying the eldest son who, if he was He has to lose Brazil, better for him than bandits, he read Republicans, like Venezuelan Simon Bolivar.
Perhaps because independence was at first a matter of the Bragança family, between a son and a father loving each other, the recognition was swift. As early as 1825. Of course, England pressed, as did Austria, which preferred to defend the interests of the emperor’s daughter over the ideology of the Holy Alliance. But it took half a century for Spain to recognize the independence of Peru, and this is a comparison.
Brazil has its way, and so does Portugal. But the common language, with different dialects of course, brings them closer. The presence of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa next to President Jair Bolsonaro at the party yesterday is a beautiful testament to this closeness and the mutual fascination we have to gain. The Indian in the painting Vis of the sixteenth century, and the Portuguese castles of the Middle Ages, which the Brazilians who visit us, or who live here, appreciate so much. Congratulations, Brazil, a country with a lot of past, a country with a lot of future, sure.
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