Ana Garcia Martinez, known as A Pipoca Doce, continues to travel around Tokyo. On Wednesday, February 14, the digital influencer decided to share with her fans about her “big luck.”
“The day started in Asakusa, more specifically in Senso-ji, the oldest (and most important) Buddhist temple in Tokyo. I already asked for protection, prosperity, and diverse sights in Macau, but having a good relationship with the gods never hurts.”He started writing.
Former rival of Hell's Kitchen Take the opportunity to make some requests. “In addition to clapping for the gods to notice me and fulfill my requests (at the end you have to clap again, so the gods know we're done begging and can go about their business), I also paid 60 cents to be able to act lucky.”It is to explain.
“Basically, we take a stick out of the box, a stick that has a number on it that corresponds to the drawer. Then we open the drawer and see how lucky we are. “If we don’t like it, we tie the paper to the wire and go on with our lives,” he added.
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Ana Garcia Martinez receives “good luck” but… by mistake
But it seems that Ana Garcia Martinez was entitled to a lot of luck. “I really appreciate the luck that has come my way, everything has been great. The problem was, the stick had the number 12 on it, and by mistake, I opened the drawer for 13. When I realized this, I went to look at the paper with the number 12 on it and didn't want to change it, because even though the number 13 wasn't mine, it was obviously better.Complete.
“I imagine this would be a tall order at the bureaucratic level of the Gods Division that deals with these matters, but he's unlucky. Onward. The temple is beautiful and beautiful and I seem to have had a relatively quiet day in terms of crowds. Put it on your list: If you come to Tokyo, this is a visit A must have.I finish.
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