After the Covid-19 pandemic, when residents began to vaccinate themselves, many companies, which had adopted the home office during the pandemic period, chose to stop working in this way and announced the return in person.
With this new phase of changes, many have had to adapt to continue maintaining a healthy routine, without having to give up their habits that have become part of everyday life. After all, by properly organizing the time, it is possible to maintain a balance between activities.
For example, to continue their physical activities, many of them take club bag To work and take advantage of the lunch break or the end of the day to commute. Find out how to carry on with your routine on the way back to face-to-face work.
Healthy food
Eating at home is a healthier habit, as well as saving money, than eating at restaurants and snack bars. This happens because when we make food at home, we think better about what we are going to eat, and we prepare food with less fat and sodium and fewer procedures, such as cooking.
To carry on the good habits when you come back to face-to-face, you can organize yourself to make marmites and put them to work. Thus, you can create a lunch and snack menu that contains various foods, including vegetables, greens, and fruits. You can do this once a week and leave the portions frozen to optimize time.
Avoid excessive information
Conscious consumption of information has certainly helped maintain mental health in times of a pandemic. So this is a habit that many would like to continue feeding.
Therefore, on the way back to work, take time out of your day to read information on trusted websites and comment on news with colleagues, even while having a snack or lunch, better manage your time and avoid information overload.
Mental health care
This is definitely one habit that needs to be continued. Most of the time, it involves therapy sessions and is essential for better managing emotions and even improving performance at work.
Therapy can also be combined with face-to-face work. You will be able to use your lunch period or after work to go to sessions or choose the service online, which many professionals offer and even on platforms dedicated to providing this service, thus avoiding the time spent traveling.
Beware of sleeping
Sleep is essential for a balanced life and a strong immune system. Therefore, continuing to take care of sleep after returning to face-to-face work is essential to adjusting to this new reality.
For this, try to go to bed early, especially if you are used to getting up early. Remember that in order to have time to recover, the body needs eight hours of rest.
To regulate sleep into the new routine, establish small steps, such as going to bed 10 to 15 minutes earlier each day, until you reach your ideal sleep schedule. Try to keep your sleep hygiene, avoiding screens for up to an hour before going to bed. Take the opportunity to have tea and read a light book before going to bed.
physical exercises
During the pandemic, in the home office, many people started working out at home and went to the gym after it reopened. Thus, physical activity has become a habit in their lives.
But it is possible to maintain the exercises by working face to face. One way is to start the day early at the gym, and get your workout done before you go to work. Or right after the end of the day, a solution that most people adopt.
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Barbara guide
He is 26 years old, born and lives in Brazil. She graduated in Journalism and is now an SEO Analyst. He loves football, literature and coffee without sugar.
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