How long should I wait to take a booster dose after taking Covid? Brazil is facing an explosion in Covid cases driven by the omicron variable. Amid this scenario, vaccination against the virus continues.
With more than 67% of the Brazilian population vaccinated with the platform – two doses or one dose – most people are prepared to receive the booster of the fortifying agent, which must be applied four months after the second dose.
However, according to a technical note from the Ministry of Health, people with Covid-19 should delay vaccination for at least four weeks after developing symptoms – people without symptoms should wait four weeks after their first positive PCR test.
The note also highlights the need to wait for full clinical recovery before taking the additional dose, if the disease lasts longer.
In fact, the guidelines for the four-week period in the case of those with Covid-19 do not depend on whether the patient is looking for the first, second or third dose.
Doctor Renato Kfoury, director of the SBIm (Brazilian Society for Immunizations), explains that if a person develops cold symptoms and Covid-19 is cleared, there is no problem in receiving the immunizing agent. The only point of concern, in this case, is that you have not had a fever in the past 48 hours.
However, Kfoury analyzes that perhaps since vaccination began, many people who do not show symptoms of the Covid-19 virus have been vaccinated and that the proposed time period is not a measure with scientific evidence that a vaccine will do harm or necessarily have a different performance, but, yes, Precaution procedure.
“The recommendation is based on what is understood about other diseases, in terms of convalescence [termo que se refere ao período de recuperação que uma pessoa passa após alguma doença]” He says.
Andre Ricardo Ribas Freitas, professor of epidemiology at the São Leopoldo Mandic School of Medicine, explains that guidelines for postponing vaccination after infection with the virus are linked to the production of antibodies during this period.
“When the antigen is received, the patient’s body begins to produce antibodies to neutralize the virus, and by producing the antibodies, the body learns to defend itself. If the patient already has high enough levels of antibodies to neutralize this virus, the vaccine risks not being able to The effect of the vaccine.
So, he says, four weeks will be the time needed to reduce antibody levels. This way, when a patient receives the injection, their immune system is ready to work with the new antibodies.
The doctor confirms that infection with the Covid-19 virus does not guarantee immunization against the disease, so vaccination is necessary to contain the virus.
The antibodies of interest in inactivating the virus are those that are able to neutralize the spike protein. Not because the virus has more antibodies than the vaccine makes the infection more effective,” he says.

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