Agents against Dengue | Photo: Disclosure
The number of dengue cases has increased in Venancio Aires. According to health monitoring data, in April there were 11 confirmed cases. In less than a month, the amount has tripled to 47 positive points. Of this total, two were imported – contracted out of the municipality. Dengue is transmitted by the bite of a female infected mosquito.
Also read: Fiocruz warns of resurgence of dengue serotype 3
The neighborhoods with the highest infection concentrations are Cidade Alta, with 12 positive cases, and União, with nine people who tested positive for dengue. The health surveillance team monitors cases, performs frequent inspections, and uses insecticides.
How to report
However, according to the Coordinator of Health Surveillance, Gabriel Alves, there are still many homes with potential breeding sites. Cases where violations are detected and the owner does not cooperate are subject to liability. Complaints of properties with dengue mosquito breeding sites can be contacted via WhatsApp (51) 9 9910 9500.
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