MMany people try to follow effective diets, but unfortunately, they are impossible to maintain in the long term. To lose weight and keep your weight under control, you must make changes that are sustainable and easy to implement. Need some examples? Experts shared some of them with BestLife. Take note!
Read also: Experts reveal seven mistakes that prevent you from losing weight
Habits that help you lose weight healthily:
- Eat a breakfast rich in fiber and protein every day. “Studies show that protein and fiber can help with weight management and metabolic health,” says Nicole D’Andrea Russert, a registered dietitian;
- Eat more colorful foods (fruits and vegetables). In general, “the most colorful foods contain fiber, protein, and lots of nutrients,” says Dr. Kathleen Jordan.
- Don’t avoid carbohydrates completely. “Neglecting healthy carbohydrates — from starchy foods like sweet potatoes or whole grains — can be detrimental to your gut health,” explains Nicole D’Andrea Russert.
- Try to focus on good sleep. Unfortunately, “poor sleep is linked to weight gain, as it can lead to days of fatigue, when you avoid physical exercise and turn to carbohydrates for quick energy,” warns Kathleen Jordan.
- Eat spicy foods. “Including foods with a little spice, such as pepper or ginger, can help support metabolism,” explains Nicole D’Andrea Russert;
- Replace sugary drinks with water. In general, “artificial sweeteners have side effects, such as disruption of the intestinal microbiota and metabolism.”
Read also: Nutrition expert reveals the simplest tips to start losing weight now