Minho residents enter August 1st without any signs of summer. For Sunday, rain is expected across Minho, with temperatures not exceeding a maximum of 24 degrees. This scenario should be repeated throughout the week, with showers visiting the provinces of Braga and Viana do Castelo almost every day.
Therefore, it is increasingly difficult for those on vacation to be able to plan moments of sun and beach, unlike what is happening, for example, in Greenland, where a heat wave, with temperatures over ten degrees, has led to an episode of melting ice. hat.
According to Danish weather stations, the maximum temperatures in the middle of this week reached more than 24 degrees in that region, which is, for example, the same as the maximum temperature forecast for Sunday in Braga.
On average, while cold replaces heat in northern Portugal, the Greenland ice sheet is melting at about 8 billion tons per day, twice the normal average during the summer.
Back in Portugal, and according to the IPMA, perhaps only after the 10th of August will it be possible to see days with maximum temperatures above 30 degrees.