theThe self-employed have until the end of the month, January 31, to file the mandatory quarterly declaration for Social Security. Quarterly statements, remember, must be delivered in months January, April, July and October.
“If you are a freelancer, you have Until January 31 to deliver the quarterly statement in SSD [Segurança Social Direta]”, refers to the Social Security Institute (ISS), in a post posted on the social network Twitter.
ISS reminds you that in this ad, users should indicate “Income received in October, November and Decemberwhich are used to calculate subscriptions for the months of January, February and March.
Upon submission of the quarterly statement, the self-employed receive a notification in their inbox regarding the subscription rule that has been set for them for the following months, which contains the amount of the planned contribution.
The amount of contributions payable can be consulted on the website of Direct Social Security: Current Account » Current Position » Amounts Payable » Current Contributions, with an indication of the payment deadline for each month.
If you’re a freelance worker, you have until January 3 and a half to file your SSD quarterly return.
️ In this ad, specify the revenue received in October, November and December, which is used to calculate subscriptions for the months of January, February and March.
– Social Security Institute (@seg_social_pt) January 12 2022
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