On Friday, May 6, Bruna Gomez and Gonzalo Cuenaz were commenting on the previous edition of the Big Brother Famosos and the former footballer began highlighting Bernardo Sousa’s victory in the Grand Final.
“I think the win suited him really well. I love Marco, I’m a friend of Kennedy’s – I really wanted to win Kennedy – but from the point of view of the game I think it was well attributedThe former soccer player who praised Daniel Kennedy’s stance said: “The truth is that it’s like this on the outside“.
During the conversation with the influencer, Gonzalo Quinaz revealed that he had seen the copy with “regularity“:”I started watching it because of him and then you already know what it is like, it’s like a TV seriesAt this point in the conversation, the contestant mentioned that he also liked Marie’s performance: “ I liked her very much and it was because of my girlfriend who told me about Marie, I didn’t know her. She talked to me and showed me funny videos of her“.
““I was, at some point, sad because Kennedy was such a garrison and there is a time when she has to identify the least needy person in the house,” Kennedy said. It was so controversial, that he gets sad and later regrets it too and she tries to explain.”, recalls Gonzalo Quinaz, who also referred to the ‘controversy’ when Mary nominated Danielle Kennedy during a party at reality show: “I see she shot him and he didn’t change his attitude towards her“.