The government wanted to hit the Lisbon metropolitan area but without holding it back too much. Because the blockade of the most populous region of the country has only a symbolic effect.Nor does the virus show a particular preference for spreading between Friday noon and Monday morning, since, in essence, movement restrictions will not alter the behavior of less conscious citizens and infection-enhancing work procedures. What we have to remember which is really important is that Portugal continues to manage the pandemic every 15 days, confident that luck will continue to support us.We have already gone to heaven, we have already thought of hell, we have returned to heaven and we walk, again, toward Purgatory.We wanted to save Christmas (we couldn't), we wanted to save Easter (we couldn't) and here we are so close to not being able to save the bathing season that was supposed to be one of redemption. We can even mitigate the effects of the spread of the Indian variant on domestic tourism, but the country's external image is irretrievably missing. Today, looking coldly at the reality, perhaps Portugal's removal from the UK's "green list" does not seem unfair to us. If this summer has been full of brakes, we can't say we're stuck in a corner.Then, we continued to watch the political skirmish between Marcelo and Costa from the bench to determine who is the most boss and who gets to get it first. The President of the Republic did not want to hear about a return to the harshest confinement, but at the same time he modified the language; The prime minister is reluctant to change the risk matrix, knowing that the new alternative is unpredictable and that vaccination among young people, for the time being, the large carrier group, will take time. Both had to maintain a state of mind and proofs of strength. Because for us, in that aspect, it's just noise. And we all know that when there is a lot of noise, only a few things can be distinguished. Usually we care. Not necessarily those of interest to the country.The assistant manager