The European Union agrees with the United Kingdom and Norway the fishing potential for 2024. The agreement with the United Kingdom covers more than 85 total fisheries allowed in the Northeast Atlantic. The agreement guarantees almost 388,000 tonnes of fishing opportunities for the European Union fleet, with an estimated value of around 1,000 million euros for its fishermen.
The agreement will contribute to the sustainable management of stocks jointly managed by the parties and provide stability and predictability to the respective fleets and operators.
The EU has reached a trilateral agreement with Norway and the United Kingdom and bilateral agreements with Norway on fishing opportunities and water access for 2024.
Three bilateral agreements between the EU and Norway deal with quota exchange, mutual access, fishing in mutual waters and setting quotas in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.
The agreement envisages the EU receiving 9,983 tonnes of Arctic cod in 2024 and 48,000 tonnes of blue whiting to Norway.
The EU can catch 15,107 tonnes of Atlantic-Scandinavian herring in Norwegian waters, and Norway can fish 150,000 tonnes of blue whiting in EU waters.
The European Union and Norway have decided to implement measures to reduce fishing mortality of western Baltic herring, which mixes with North Sea herring in the Skagerrak and the Eastern North Sea. These measures include limiting catches in the Skagerrak.
A neighborhood agreement was also signed between the EU and Norway covering Swedish fishing in Norwegian waters of the North Sea.